olis.bio – Stefania Grappeggia

About Me

Hi! My name is Stefania Grappeggia

and I am a postural yoga teacher and therapist. This means that I help people with back problems and muscle tension due to prolonged stress and a frenetic lifestyle rediscover their health, strength, lightness, and dynamism through my Olis method with Postural Yoga! My main tools are Massage Therapy, Craniosacral Therapy, Emotional Somato Release, and Yoga. My professional journey began after graduating as a Biomedical Laboratory Technician when I started working at the European Oncology Institute(IEO). Although I was very proud to work there, the intense pace of work gradually left me with less and less time for myself. Additionally, being a sensitive person and not knowing well how to manage stress, I tended to hold onto both physical and emotional tension. Even though I was only 24 years old, I was stiff, low flexible, short breathing, and I was easily irritable. Upon the suggestion of a colleague, I have tried a yoga class, and I immediately understood that it was my path!

Stefania Grappeggia Yoga Instructor in Como
Stefania Grappeggia yoga instructor in varedo

Yoga as a Lifestyle

I have seen people in their 40s relaxed, cheerful, and happy, and I wanted to regain that connection with my body and have slower, deeper breathing, and feel the harmony of body and mind myself.. So I have started this journey, and more my body and breath expanded, more my mind opened up and became fluid and aware. Over the years of practice, I came to understand that Yoga is a constant exploration within oneself, and tmore you can connect with yourself, more you can see and understand the world outside. I began to make Yoga my way of life and brought about many improvements. With time and patience, I have regained both the freedom of my body and of my time. After 5 years, in fact, I resigned and moved to Ireland, stepping out of my comfort zone and opening to trust in life and feelings. Being someone who loves leaps, I decided to leap, close everything to start a new life, with the awareness of who I am and what I want.

The Olis Method

In Ireland, I completed the training in craniosacral therapy and somato emotional release with Upledger, graduated as a yoga teacher, and worked in a medical clinic as a craniosacral therapist (where it is recognized as a separate practice, quite different from the well-known osteopathy). Afetr a while I decied to come back to Italy, here I started working as a freelancer and later graduated as a Massage Therapist. I continue to attend refresher courses in Craniosacral Therapy and translate simultaneously for the Swiss Upledger Institute. Thanks to all this knowledge and the wonderful gift that Yoga has given yo me, I have been able to gather all my skills and feel increasingly strong about creating a training path that could help people to solve the same problems I faced years ago.And that’s how Postural Yoga with the Olis Method was born!

olis bio Yoga Courses
Treatments in Como

An effective holistic healing formula that allows women and men who suffer particularly from prolonged stress-related discomfort to regain the physical, emotional and mental energy they have long desired, never to lose it again! Today, I am grateful to life and to Yoga for everything it has given me, and thanks to Postural Yoga with the Olis Method, I have the opportunity to show this path to other people in search of well-being, lightness, and gratitude.


Professional Training


Diploma Perito Chimico


BSc – Laurea con lode in Tecnico di Laboratorio Biomedico, Facoltà Medicina e Chirurgia, Università Statale di Milano


CST-T Certificazione in Tecniche di Cranio-Sacrale, Upledger Institute International 


Kids & Bithlight – Certificato Yoga Alliance International


CST-D Diploma n Tecniche di Cranio-Sacrale, Upledger Institute International 


RYK 280h- Certificazione Insegnante Yoga – Rainbow Yoga


Naturopata RIZA – Istituto di Medicina Psicosomatica


Terapista complementare in Svizzera (esame del Canton Ticino) 


Master di Taping Kinesiologico


Hamer_ Le 5 leggi della Nuova Medicina Germanica e le costellazioni schizofreniche


Diploma istruttore Hatha Yoga Essenziale


Diploma Massoterapia, Centro Studi Synapsy

Updating Courses


Master in Erboristeria Riza

Master in Massaggio psicosomatico Riza 


SER 1 e 2 – Rilascio Somato Emozionale Upledger Ireland


CSTP 1 e 2 Cranio Sacrale Pediatrico Upledger Ireland 

CST Bioacquatico Tecnica craniocacrale in acqua Upledger Ireland

TBS The Brain Speaks Aspetti Neurologici nella Tecnica Craniosacrale Upledger Denmark


CSIR – Tecnica Cranio-Sacrale a supporto del sistema immunitario Upledger Italia

ADV1- Cranio-sacrale Avanzato 1 Upledger Italia


CNR1- Craniosacrale e Rimedi Naturopatici Upledger Italia


SI -Integrazioni Sensoriali Upledger Italia


CSAM1- Tecnica craniosacrale in approccio meningeo 1 Upledger Italia


MVF1 e 2 Manipolazione Viscerale Fasciale 1 e 2, Metodo Leone


Traduttrice per l’Istituto Upledger