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The entire content on the Olis Discipline Bionaturali website should be considered solely for informational purposes and cannot in any way be understood as a substitute for medical acts, nor refer to specific individual cases, for which you are advised to consult your doctor.

The author of this blog is not responsible for any consequences resulting from the use of its content other than for informational purposes.

The naturopathy, craniosacral, and yoga advice are self-help methods aimed at harmonizing body, mind, and emotions, stimulating the body’s self-regulation power, and helping to improve the quality of life. The techniques used are not medical practices and do not in any way exclude or replace medical diagnoses and therapies.

For any decisions regarding your health, consult your general practitioner or a specialist appropriate to your specific issue. In no case can the author be held responsible for any direct or indirect damages or problems caused by the use of the information provided on this site.